

















“, , the , he…” just was about to speak.

“Hmph!” A cold snort rang out.

and Bebe ’t help but turn their heads to look back. and over as well. Two , a male and a , were over. The grim- man was in a long robe, while the woman with black wore a long robe. them were nine young men and women, all in long green robes.

“We weren’t able to do to them, true.” The -robed woman . “…very soon, they will still die.”

Book 18, – 31, The Chief of Death

From the aura alone, could tell that this -robed woman in front of him was that nine- . The were her and her nine into human form.

“, is the back yet?” The , , said.

shook his head. “Not yet. the Fruit and is the as well. , the know that the Fruit and soon.” and Bebe, upon this, had no but tamp down their and wait to one side.

“.” over, in a low voice, “You’d best hurry up and leave.”

“Eh?” his head, him.

“, he isn’t to leave. Why get in that is none of your ?” The , , .

didn’t pay any mind to that . He , “, this is very close to the , and when this wants to kill …the will do so a word. can a ’s will.” had quite a bit from the of Death.

as he at the , .

A green-robed woman , “Now you are ? Let me tell you this. You won’t even be able to flee! The will …and by then, as long as you are the , the will be able to find and kill you two! You dared to kill my elder …hmph!”

The nine green were all , but they had and Bebe’s power.

“What have you to be smug about?” Bebe let out low, curse.

“Bebe, them. We’ll just wait over here.” sent . And then, he and Bebe to a area in this , - , the of the .

saw that in the , the snake and their nine were all , over and Bebe. As for and , they just there, . , and Bebe ’t to their at all…so all they could do was await the ’s .

In the blink of an eye, three hours .

“The still hasn’t .” Bebe sent , . “What’s the doing?”

“You and I can’t a ’s mind.” had for three hours, and he felt as he were with as well. “Bebe, from what that said, her with the must be . Tell me…will the be to help us of this?”

Bebe gave a .

Bebe had very few of , but right now, Bebe could sense how was.

“Boss, the will help out. .” Bebe sent back.

took a deep , .

“!” A voice rang out. to look, and saw over. As he at , he ’t help but shake his head while , “The just spoke to me and me to bring you and to the ’s . The be soon.”

’s eyes lit up.

“The ’s back?” felt as heart was about to leap out of his chest.

“ me in.” with a , “You must , this ’s is very poor. If the takes a you, you might be very well, but if the takes a to you…you might die in a . Thus, you and Bebe must not be the bit .”

. “.”

“I won’t anger a .” Bebe said as well. Bebe knew very well that at this point, they ’t even the .

could tell from words…that this of Death be the sort of with an odd, who might very well kill for no at all. It was very hard to deal with this sort of . …one might die even why.

at and Bebe. He ’t help but sigh to .

knew very well that the , , was on very close terms with the . Once and , it was very that the would kill and Bebe even them a to speak.

“Let’s go.” flew in front, while and Bebe from . was in . The four , then began to fly the that was above the peak of the . The gates of the were open, as the snake and the nine- and their had .

The was made out of a -black , and a bone- chill from the .

“ me. Don’t in the .” said in a low voice.

“.” said.

“Don’t worry.” was as well. This was his first time the of Death as well.

, Bebe, and , the large front and the . , Bebe, and didn’t even dare to raise their heads to look, for fear of that of Death.

“Boss, the cold aura of this is .” Bebe sent .

At this , knelt and said, “I pay my to the !”

“I pay my to the !” , Bebe, and all knelt as well. After the , the three of them didn’t even dare to raise their heads the ’s . Or, to be more …to look at a was also quite . didn’t dare to act in such a way right now.

Right at this …

“!” A grief- voice rang out. “Tina died. It was that Bebe. He was the one who her. That Bebe to kill me as well. If it hadn’t been for the of Life , most I would never have been able to see you again. You must Tina, !”

this, felt his heart shake.

So the was .

“*cker, I want to kill her!” Bebe sent . “Boss, that nine- makes me feel .”

“Bebe, to what the says.” to kneel there.

“Yen!” An icy cold voice rang out from above. “I will deal with this .”

and Bebe, upon this, were both .

The of Death was a woman?

“The three of you can lift up your heads.” The icy voice in the . Only now did , Bebe, and dare to lift their heads up. Only now did that the of the was empty; not even could be seen. swept with his gaze, up until he saw the of Death, on her !

A pitch-black .

atop the was a woman in long robes. The long robes were with and vines and a snake. This of Death had long, blood-red hair, , and a pair of eyes that to flash with a bolt of that into ’s heart.

As soon as saw the of Death’s face, he was .

Bebe was as well.

was as well.

“You…” Bebe didn’t know what to say.

“What, very ?” An icy voice rang out.

, , and Bebe were . This of Death…her , to the red- who was the boss of the Inn at the base of the ! Even the look in her eyes was the same. and the other two …that this was the owner of the inn!

“The of Death…is the boss of the Inn?” felt his head go numb.

A would go run an inn?


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